Tuesday, October 13, 2009

All Done!

"All Done!" is what Kyleigh's been saying for a couple of months whenever appropriate--when she's finished eating, after her flu shot, when she's tired of swimming and when there's no more drink in her cup.

This time "All Done" refers to the mismatched alphabet squares that I've been stitching for Q4OC as a stitch-a-long for Binky South Dakota. I had a personal goal of stitching all 26 letters, each from a different ABC series. The squares are due November 1st and since this is the last square, I finished with plenty of time to spare, but I've really enjoyed stitching these little guys!

Letter N: Balloon & Kite ABC - The World of Cross Stitching #139 (I changed the background light blue grey stitches from cross stitches to half stitches.)

I also had physical therapy this afternoon, this time with a therapist to do a reassessment. She worked me really hard, upping the resistance on the bike from 1 to 4 and giving me a couple of new exercises. She says I'm doing really well and that I only need to go once a week now and she'll do another assessement on 11/12.

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