Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
After swimming lessons, we picked up David and went to Jo Ann's so that I could get some Christmas material to make some small pillows from some quilt squares donated to WOCS. We had to wait in line quite awhile to have the material cut, but Kyleigh did real good! Janice found a cross stitch picture called Let's Bounce with Pooh and his friends that Kyleigh really liked. I'm hoping to make it for Christmas, but I'm not sure whether it will be for this year or next year.
Janice called about 7:00 to tell us that Kyleigh had been trick or treating with a couple of neighbors (mommy and daddy went too) and came home with a plastic pumpkin so full of candy that she could hardly lift it. She hasn't learned to say "trick or treat" yet, but she did say "thank you". Janice carved a pumpkin using an Elmo template this year.
We only had 25 trick or treaters at our house. We normally have 140-150 so we have lots of candy left over.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Fun with Grandma
After breakfast out, we went to my office to show off her Halloween costume. In case you can't tell, she's Tinkerbell. This is the second year in a row that I've taken her there on Halloween. The other little girl in the picture is the daughter of a coworker. She turns two on Monday and came to go trick or treat with the children's center. She and Kyleigh will probably be classmates starting in April when Kyleigh also turns two.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Change of Plans
At dinnertime David suggested going out to dinner to a nearby Mexican restaurant since he thought that would be easier than keeping track of her and cooking, too. Unfortunately we got a bit of a late start and by the end of the meal, Kyleigh was in meltdown mode since it was bedtime by then. She was introduced to chips and salsa (she loved dipping the chips in the salsa), lemon wedges (she made a face each time, but kept going back for more) and fish (which she really liked). The patriarch of the restaurant family came by and gave each of the kids in the restaurant--there were three--an early trick or treat (a Harry Potter coloring book with colored markers) which held Kyleigh's attention while waiting for dinner although most of the markers ended up on the floor.
Once we got home, we did her bath, read stories and drank milk, called mommy to say good night and went to bed in grandma's bed. Funny thing though, she'll wake up in her own bed in the morning.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Benevolent Piecemakers
I recently started stitching for a new group called Benevolent Piecemakers. This is the first square I've stitched for them. It's called, appropriately "Home is where the cat is" and is from the World of Cross Stitching #116. Unfortunately, there are several unintentional customizations in this project, but I think it looks okay.
I've also started a second square; actually I started this one first, but it's slow going because it's pretty much all one color; it's coming along though. This is Quaker Cat and it was an online free chart.

Monday, October 26, 2009
Still in Vista
We were the only ones there so we got a personalized tour from the docent and the museum director. The director also gave us a tour of the factory. This museum displays some models in progress as well as a lot of very detailed models of planes, trains, motors, etc. The factory makes the tools to make these models.
By the time we were finished, it was lunchtime so we drove around looking for a place to eat. We ended up at Philly Frank's Cheesesteaks and shared a really good cheesesteak sandwich. Then we just chilled out for the rest of the day.
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Pumpkin Patch Visit
Chad wasn't feeling well so he didn't go to church, but wanted to go to the pumpkin patch with us so we went to their condo to get him. I wanted a picture of the outfit Kyleigh was wearing, but she wasn't cooperating. She ran off and hid in the tent Janice had purchased yesterday so I faced the camera into the tent and took this picture. It's not the best, but I couldn't really see what I was doing.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
She had a coupon for Carters and their dresses were on sale at 40% off so that was our first stop. She bought a dress (wouldn't have been my first choice), a sweater to go with it since it was sleeveless, a pair of pajamas with feet and a play outfit.
We then went to Babies R Us, where she got diapers, wipes, snacks and some canvas shoes (Kyleigh now knows "pink".) While there, Kyleigh got bored and turned around in the basket on her knees so she could see where we were going instead of where we'd been. She also spotted a Dora container for snacks.
While we were there, we checked the Dream Homes (manufactured homes) in the parking lot. Janice liked what she saw and they are affordable so she's looking into purchasing a pre-owned one.
By this time it was time for lunch so we stopped at a Carls Jr. Kyleigh gets a hamburger happy meal and Janice usually breaks it up for her, but this time, she decided she needed to eat it like a big girl. In the first picture she's examining a pickle which eventually went into her mouth.

Friday, October 16, 2009
Kyleigh Came to Visit
When we got home, David installed the new CPU chip and an aquarium screen saver on my laptop. When he showed Kyleigh the aquarium, she immediately said "bubbo" pointing to the bubbles; Janice has no idea where she learned that.
We also learned that she's afraid of the vacuum cleaner because of the noise. We went to a different room to get away from it, but for some reason it decided to follow us. She did enjoy playing with the bifold doors on our closet though. She'd go into the closet and close the doors which turns out the light and then open one of the doors and laugh. I played a game with her by opening the doors myself and also went into the closet with her. We had great fun and it kept her busy for about 1/2 hour. (I'm amazed at her attention span sometimes.)
After lunch and a good nap, I had planned to take her to Michaels to replenish some of my floss and get her some stickers, but since it was 99 degrees outside, I decided to skip it. Instead, she was a very busy little girl, swiffering my hallway, and taking things from one place and moving them somewhere else. For some reason, her toys didn't hold her attention today.
She loves playing with the magnets on the refrigerator and when she couldn't reach these, she stood on the rug shampooer next to the refrigerator (I accidentally cut it off at the bottom of the picture.)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Computer Upgrade and a Finish
Today he did a bunch of stuff, including updating the BIOS (?). At 5:00 he headed out to get more RAM and a faster CPU. He came back with the RAM, but couldn't get the CPU he wanted. He also got more RAM and a new PCIA card for his laptop.
Since I haven't had much access to the computer, I did quite a bit of stitching. Donna at WOCS mentioned she'd received some Halloween fabric and wanted to know if anyone wanted to stitch some squares. I told her I'd stitch a couple and today I completed the first one. This is from The World of Cross Stitching #116.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
All Done!
This time "All Done" refers to the mismatched alphabet squares that I've been stitching for Q4OC as a stitch-a-long for Binky South Dakota. I had a personal goal of stitching all 26 letters, each from a different ABC series. The squares are due November 1st and since this is the last square, I finished with plenty of time to spare, but I've really enjoyed stitching these little guys!
Letter N: Balloon & Kite ABC - The World of Cross Stitching #139 (I changed the background light blue grey stitches from cross stitches to half stitches.)
I also had physical therapy this afternoon, this time with a therapist to do a reassessment. She worked me really hard, upping the resistance on the bike from 1 to 4 and giving me a couple of new exercises. She says I'm doing really well and that I only need to go once a week now and she'll do another assessement on 11/12.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Letter J is Done
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Preschool Visit and Letter Q

I hadn't done much stitching for the past few days, but I finally managed a finish tonight.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Flu Shots, Swimming, Shopping & the Park
Then it was time for swimming lessons. Janice was running late so we changed Kyleigh outside by the car before going in. Kyleigh didn't want to go with the teacher, but calmed down halfway across the pool. She's getting really brave, trying to climb off the platforms, etc, but she still doesn't like to float on her back. Janice has decided to take a break for a couple of months and stop the lessons at the end of October.
After swimming lessons we went looking for a Halloween costume for Kyleigh. First we went to the Party Time near the condo. but they didn't have anything so we went to Babies R Us. Before going into the store, Kyleigh got the chance to visit with Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street. The ride wasn't working though.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Bob picked me up since David was already at the stadium and we watched another good game. Unfortunately, the playoff games are longer than the regular season games (there are longer between inning breaks) and I couldn't stretch out my knee because there were people in the seats in front of me, so I was in quite a bit of pain by the end. I took my stitching again and I did stitch some before the game.
Angels - 2; Red Sox - 0
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Busy Thursday
I also had my six week check up with the surgeon this morning. Everything is right on schedule and he's very satisfied with my progress. He showed me the before and after xrays and said the problems I mentioned (the knee clicking and the swelling) are due to excess fluid which should go away soon. I see him again in six weeks.
After my appointment we went to lunch with a friend from work whose office is now just down the street from the hospital. While we were waiting for her, several of her coworkers came out on their way to lunch and stopped to talk for a few minutes. We just went to a sandwich shop, but the sandwiches were really good and we had some good conversation.
The first ALDS game between the Angels and the Red Sox took place tonight and David had to be there earlier than normal so he dropped me off at Janice's condo. I picked Kyleigh up from the babysitter and we played together for a couple of hours.
Here she is talking to Mommy on the phone--it's on speaker, but she stole it from me and ran and got on the horse. She loves the telephone.
In this one, she's rocking herself in Daddy's chair and watching TV, while I was getting ready to leave.
I put my purse in the back of her stroller and she immediately abandoned the chair and climbed into the stroller. We then walked down to the church which was about 1/4 mile away where I had a Social Ministries Meeting. While waiting for the meeting to start, Kyleigh did some wandering and discovered the newly remodeled library, heading straight to the little kids' books. Janice picked her up just before the meeting started and took her to McDonalds for dinner. After her bath, they came back to pick me up and drive me home. Kyleigh got very upset when I handed her to Mommy to be put in her carseat--she didn't understand that I was going too.
Angels - 1, Red Sox - 0
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Only One Today
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
More Productive Day
I've decided it's time to start doing more around the house so I cleaned the bathroom, washed a load of towels, swiffered the hallway and did the dishes. Not a lot, but it's a start.
This evening, we went to dinner at Marie Callendar's with Chad, Janice and Kyleigh. We like their salad bar and on Tuesday, they have my favorite soup--split pea with ham.
Kyleigh does a good job drinking from a straw, especially after grandpa cuts a couple of inches off.
I also stitched two more letters:

Monday, October 5, 2009
More Stitching
First, I stitched two more letters:

Second, I chose and enlarged the charts for the final six letters.
Then I signed up for a square for Ron's quilt at Benevolent Peacemakers. Each time I stitch a letter, I look through the magazine to see if there are any other charts I would like to stitch. I found a chart called "Home is Where the Cat is" this morning, but didn't know what to stitch it for. This evening, Meg posted a request for an additional square for Ron's quilt and since he likes cats, I had a destination. Since she has all of the other squares, I'll work on this later this week and hopefully get it in the mail on Monday.
Finally, I signed up for the Binky South Dakota Yahoo Group. This is the group that will eventually get the mismatched alphabet squares as well as the EMS Babybook Animals that I stitched for WOCS.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Another Finish
This evening I managed another finish--I really like these little squares. This one is called "Breakfast in Bed" and it's from Kitchen Motifs in Quick & Easy Cross Stitch #139. It's also for WOCS 4th Challenge.

Saturday, October 3, 2009
This picture was kind of an accident--she was coming toward me to get at the camera, but she was in a different pose when I clicked the button.
Her other grandmother met us at swimming lessons and took her home for that long overdue nap. She'll have her for the rest of the weekend. Me? I came home and took a nap, too!
After my nap, I did some stitching for the first time since Wednesday and finished this scarecrow. He's a Farm Motif from The World of Cross Stitching #120 and is for the WOCS 4th Challenge, which is squares for lap quilts for the Century Care Center in Florida.