Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

I spent most of Christmas Day with Janice and Kyleigh. I took a stuffed turkey and a chocolate cream pie over at 9:00 in the morning and we went to the Christmas Morning service at 10:00. There was no nursery available this morning, so Kyleigh had to stay in church--she spent a lot of time chewing on her shoe!

Chad's grandfather, his younger half brother and family (including his 2 1/2 year old son), Chad's mom, Uncle Dub, David, and Chad's cousin and his girlfriend all arrived around 2:00 so the condo was pretty crowded. More gifts were exchanged, the turkey, ham and trimmings were demolished and there was a lot of good conversation.

Kyleigh's babysitter who lives across the sidewalk came by and brought Kyleigh a couple of presents--a great big red and green Christmas bear and Elmo.

Janice and Kyleigh managed to share a quiet moment before all the guests arrived.

This is Kyleigh with her Uncle Dub. His name is Dave, but they know too many Daves, so they call him DW which they figured would be too hard for Kyleigh to say, so it's been shortened to "Dub".

And, finally Kyleigh with Mom and Dad. This Christmas dress was given to her by Chad's mom's boss.

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