Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Parties

The first Christmas party was our department lunch at work. This year the food came from Marie Callendars and I loved the pot roast, but there was also turkey and all the trimmings, plus way too many desserts. I won a $10 gift card to Walmart in the door prize drawing.

This was followed by a trip to the dentist for my six month checkup. I have one cavity that I need to have filled next week and the hygienist taught me how to floss my bridge--I didn't know you could do that!

While I was at the dentist, David cooked dinner--a very good lasagna. We only ate 1/4 of it so there's still lots more to enjoy.

The second Christmas party was Advent by Candlelight, a party put on by the women's group at our church. Several women volunteer to host a table for ten and provide the decorations and dessert. There's also a short program. Janice and I attended and had a great time--delicious red velvet cake and good conversation.

When I picked Janice up, Kyleigh was sitting on the floor about seven feet from the front door. As soon as she saw me, she smiled and took off like a rocket, crawling directly toward me with no stopping--really made my day! As soon as she got to me, I gave her a couple of hugs and kisses and passed her off to her other grandma who was babysitting for the evening. Angela's boss sent along a Christmas present for Kyleigh, a beautiful dress with a red velvet top and white lacy skirt. She now has four Christmas type outfits so she'll be well dressed this coming week! We're hoping she'll be able to wear this one to my nephew's wedding in January as well.

Stitching: I managed to get a little stitching done between the dentist and the Advent party. Monday, I received the new UK Cross Stitcher magazine and there's a new Margaret Sherry series called Sports and Hobbies. The first in the series is a chicken jumping rope called Get Fit. Since I'd just finished the lizard Sunday night and hadn't chosen a new start, I started this immediately.

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