Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Stitching

I only managed to stitch three Christmas gifts this year, and amazingly enough, they were all for Kyleigh.

The first was an ornament. I wasn't able to find any first Christmas charts at the time I was looking, but I thought this one was cute enough. My plan is to stitch her one each year, hence the 2008. The chart came from the December 2008 issue of Cross Stitch Crazy.

The second thing I stitched was this chart from Dimensions. There are sparkly bits on the crown and the wand.

Finally, I stitched Hello Kitty on a bib I had in my stash. This is the Hello Kitty project I mentioned earlier, that I hated stitching, but it did come out okay, even if the backstitching isn't exactly what it called for. This is from the UK Cross Stitcher magazine, #208.

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