Thursday, January 8, 2009

More Meetings

Today started with a drive to the University of La Verne for a user group meeting. This is the first time I've driven myself and what should have taken about 1/2 hour took almost twice as long since I managed to take the wrong freeway and then made a couple of wrong turns, but I arrived in plenty of time.

I detoured by the library on the way back and learned that the library's I usually visit on Saturday are now closed Saturdays and the main library is opening later due to budget cuts. I managed to find all the books I was looking for and rather quickly and then picked up some lunch on my way back to work.

I also received the letter telling me what my new monthly salary is this afternoon. It's not as much as I hoped for, but at least it's something and I do still have a job!

This evening was my Social Ministries Board Meeting. Because this meeting starts at 5:30, we do a potluck dinner. Tonight it was a macaroni and cheese casserole, fruit salad and apricot pie--delicious.

Fortunately, my afternoon meeting was cancelled!

I continued stitching my next square for the Q4OC Challenge. This one is for the Flowers and Gardening theme and is a wheelbarrow full of flowers.

Stitching: Wheelbarrow with flowers
Reading: The Quilter's Kitchen

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