Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Miscellaneous Stitching Stuff

Neighborhood Round Robin:
I signed up for MM&IRRs today and I've pretty much decided on the basic theme and layout. I'm going to do a Christmas/Winter Village in a 3 x 4 layout. I've found some houses, etc that I like, but I'll probably have to chart them myself. I did a rough plot today, but there's a lot more work to be done in the next three months.

September Goals:
I don't usually plan my stitching a month ahead, but I have so much going on that I need to stay focused, so here goes:

1. Finish Utah Prairie Dogs (due ASAP)
2. Finish Snoopy Card
3. Start and finish Baby Raspberry Tart and Rhubarb (due 11/1)
4. Start and finish Calico Kitten (due 11/1)
5. Stitch on Kyleigh's birth sampler

I also received my first comment today. (At least I know someone's reading my blog!) Sue wanted to know what Q4OC is. It's Quilts for Older Children and it's an MSN group that does what it's name says, but also stitches for Love Quilts Brazil and a few other charities as well. Here's the link: